Mr Galinoma G. Lubawa
(MBA-Accounting & Finance)
Galinoma has extensive experience in Investment/business planning training on all aspects of Corporate Finance, Financial Reporting, International Finance, Taxation and Entrepreneurship. He has consulted several companies including; Geita Gold Mining Limited (GGM), Sambura Gold Project (Singida), Kibaigwa International Market (Ltd), and Dodoma Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (DUWASA)among others. He also hasexperience on preparing bankable investment plans for rural income and non-income generating projects with the application of the RuralInvest software developed by FAO. He is also working as an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Development Finance and Management Studies at the Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP), in Dodoma Tanzania.
He has conducted a series of studies on the multiple borrowing for SMEs in Tanzania and its effects on SMEs financial performance. Currently research interest’s area of expertise include; Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR), Entrepreneurshipand Innovation, Corporate finance, Family businessand group lending for small business (including farmers). He isavailable at www.researchgate.net/ and also serves as an Acquisition Editor of The International Journal of Research & Methodology in Social Science; ISSN 2415 –